It's really hard to see I know... But if you ignore my breathing you can see one to two little jumps of the plate on my belly. Noah was kicking up a storm and I thought I would try to catch it on video. When he get's stronger I'm sure it will make better video's.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
22 weeks

This past week I have actually been feeling pretty good. Of course I'm still on the medication keeping me from throwing up, but it feels like I'm getting a little better. I've slowly weened myself down to 1 pill a day, which is a big accomplishment for me I think! I still get pretty nauseous here and there, but it's getting easier to handle.
Weight gain is a slow process.. thank goodness! Haha! I've still only gained a few pounds so at least for now I'm on track.
Noah has been very active lately, especially yesterday. We've been able to see the slightest movement on the outside of my belly when he kicks. And his kicks are getting stronger everyday, which means ouch for momma, but daddy is enjoying feeling them. I read on that the baby should be about 1 lbs this week. But since he was about 11 oz 2 weeks ago, he may be slightly bigger! ha! He's going to be a big one! :-)
In my birthing class they talked about the more active the baby is the better. That makes me feel good. And I've already started counting his movements every evening to make sure I feel 10 kicks in a hour. Normally when he starts at it, I can get a good 15-20 or so in 15 mins! So that is pretty comforting... emotionally!
We keep getting more and more ready for him, even though we've got a ways to go. My mom has been 'controlling' herself, and only getting a few things every-so-often. But it's nice to start stocking up. And Daniel's oldest sister Laura has been amazing with sharing all of her baby boy stuff with us, and still has more to give! We are truly blessed with wonderful families. Noah's little (TINY!) room will be full before we know it!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Week 21: Stretching!
Just thought I would share this funny story...
I'm laying in bed with the laptop on my tummy, trying to read my sociology homework, when I feel Noah kick. He'd been asleep for the past little while so it startled me, and then I assumed he'd be doing his daily routine of Tae Kwon-Do, and then settle down again. But this time that feeling in my side wasn't going away. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was going on. I text my mom, and she said, "Oh silly, he's just stretching!"
Haha DUH! He's getting big enough now that when he stretches I can feel it. And boy does he push hard!
I'm laying in bed with the laptop on my tummy, trying to read my sociology homework, when I feel Noah kick. He'd been asleep for the past little while so it startled me, and then I assumed he'd be doing his daily routine of Tae Kwon-Do, and then settle down again. But this time that feeling in my side wasn't going away. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was going on. I text my mom, and she said, "Oh silly, he's just stretching!"
Haha DUH! He's getting big enough now that when he stretches I can feel it. And boy does he push hard!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Week 20: It's a boy!
Yup that's right! It's a boy! And I'm sure as all of you probably know by now, we've decided on the name Noah Daniel Baily. We felt Noah was cute for a baby and will grow with him as he get's older. We think that's important.
We were ecstatic to find out that we were having a boy, not that we wouldn't be if we were having a girl, although now everyone can rest assure that the Baily family name will now go on another generation! Ha! The pressure is now off.
When the nurse was looking to see what the sex of the baby was she was having a hard time. His legs were crossed at the ankles and he had his legs closed tight. She laughed and said that he was being shy. But after me laughing a bit about that and her nudging him with the ultrasound wand thing, he eventually opened up a little to reveal his little secret. She asked us if we wanted to guess, and it wasn't all that clear on the ultrasound (as you can probably tell) but I thought I was seeing... 'stuff' there so I guessed it was a boy and she said "yup you sure are right!"
Daniel is very excited and happy to have a son. And I am too. Noah's cousin Carsten will be a year older than him, but we are hoping they will become best friends! And they should! I'm sure they will be getting into trouble together in no time!

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