We went to the doctor last weeks and these are his stats:
Weight: 15.2 lbs (tripled his weight is 4 months!)
Height: 24.5 inches
Head Circumference: 16 inches
He is learning so much now, it's like he's doing a new thing everyday. He is sitting up on his own for (just) a few seconds at a time... we're working on getting him to stay up, but that may take some time.
When I give him tummy time he holds himself up really good, and sometimes he gets his top half of his body onto his side... he just hasn't quite figured out how to get his bottom half how to follow just yet.
When he's on his back, about 4 weeks ago, he learned how to put his feet up in the air. And now he does it all the time. Sometimes he stomps his feet down on the ground, it's kind of funny to watch him do it. But just a week ago he's figured out how to roll onto his side from his back. He puts his feet into the air and then rolls over. Now all he has to do is figure out how to get from his side to his tummy. When we are a church we put him on the floor on his blanket and he will turn himself a whole 180 degrees! Like a clock, at one moment his head is closet to me and his feet are pointing towards the isle and the next he's turned himself so that his head is pointing to the isle. It's really funny.
Noah has also learned how to make this funny noise with his mouth. He keeps his mouth shut and makes his sound with his tongue. The only way I can describe it is have you ever made that sound that mimics a pig? Not the oink oink sound but the actually grunting sound. You make that sound by sucking in air in your closed mouth and you have your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Now have you ever made the sound by doing the same thing, but instead of sucking in your blowing out? I know it probably sounds weird and confusing but that's what he's doing. I keep trying to get a video but I haven't been able to catch it just yet. Anyways, he LOVES to make that sound all the time. Along with blowing slobber bubbles!
Noah also loves to stand. Sometimes he gets so mad when I wont let him stand. When Daniel and I were at Shoe Carnival I saw these baby nikes and I had to make him try them on! And he just loved them too! To bad they were 30 bucks! Oh well babies don't really need shoes. Haha but he was pretty darn adorable with them on!

Noah also loves to talk! His favorite 'words' are "Agloo" and "Aboof" He has also just learned that he can scream now too. So in church today he decided that was the perfect time to test out his screaming ability. Haha He thought it was pretty funny, and so did a few other people around us...