The baby was moving around like CRAZY during the ultrasound. It was so cute to see the baby move around and kick his little legs and move his little arms. I have to admit I did cry. Daniel reminds me that every time we talk about it. Haha
This baby is giving me a real hard time. I'm getting real tired of barfing 3 times a day! But hopefully in the next 2-3 weeks I will start feeling better. So far threw all of the 'things to try' popcorn is the only thing that has relieved my nausea. What's funny is ginger is only thing that does the exact opposite effect to me. Oh just typing about it makes me sick. Yuck!
My next appointment is December 6th. We get to hear the baby's heart beat on the Doppler.
Daniel and I just moved to Rexburg. We got this lovely trailer in a trailer park inches from the rail road tracks. But the good thing is it is right across the street from Daniel's work. We're both glad about that.
School is starting in January for both of us. Daniel is really excited to start school. I'm really excited to graduate! I'm going to take one last full semester, and then graduate! What I'm actually going to try to do is walk early, because after winter semester I will have 6 more credits. So I will graduate in April, and then take 2 classes online for spring semester... Which start at the end of April, and have the baby at the end of May! Oh dear!
But we are excited about the things to come!
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