OK, no joke, taking a picture of myself in this mirror is HARD! Haha it's always so awkward trying to get the right angle, trying not to get my bathroom clutter in the picture, and also trying to show how big my stupid little tummy. It looks bigger in person... at least to me. haha
So some of you may know about my ordeal with being sick last week, and some of you may not. My insurance needed to 'reauthorize' my anti-sicky medications and because of Christmas it took almost a week. Because I was 17 weeks already I thought hopefully I'm starting to get better and maybe I wont need the medication anymore, or at least as much or for much longer. But I was wrong. Haha when I ran out waiting for them to authorize the medication so it could be filled I reverted to where I was at 14 weeks... possibly worse. Ugh that made Christmas really hard. I only lost 2 lbs that week. So from my pre-pregnancy weight to what I weigh now I've only lost 4 lbs... Which is good. Before I had gained a little, then lost a ton... gained it back and then lost a little. But hopefully from now on I will be gaining a healthy amount of weight and things will go a little more smooth.
Because I was sick, we spent Christmas just Daniel and I at our home in Rexburg, but this weekend, weather permitting, we will be spending our last weekend before school starts in Rupert with Daniel's family. It's been 2 months (one of the longest streches Daniel's gone, other than his 2 year mission, without seeing his family) so it's about time we visit. It'll be a nice little break.
Daniel and I are both very excited for school to start. It will be Daniel's first semester and my last one on campus. Next semester I will just do 2 classes online. My semester will be a heavy load subsequently, but I'm up for the challenge, especially if it means graduating this APRIL!!! I think it will be really nice to kind of have that off my plate just before the baby is born.
We have our 20 week ultrasound appointment set! January 12th. We will get to find out the sex of the baby as well as see how big he/she has grown! Already this baby has grown so much, throwing my sense of balance totally off. I have to be careful bending to get stuff off the floor or getting up too fast. Daniel is very protective of me, but also thinks it so funny when I can't seem to stand up and walk in a straight line. He also likes to touch my tummy... all the time! I better get used to it because pretty soon I know I'm going to have deal with strangers doing the same thing. I should get a shirt that says "Ask then touch" just like Angela got for Christmas from The Office! That would be kind of funny. I should just make myself a bunch of funny maternity shirts that have little sayings like that.
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