WOAH! I'm feelin big! I'm slowly but, most definitely, surely growing out of my desks at school. Luckily in my 2 sewing classes I am on a nice swivel chair with wheels at my sewing station, so I've got plenty of room there... unless I need to lean over the table to cut something out or work with a pattern piece.
Any time there is the tiniest amount of pressure on my belly, Noah goes nuts. I think he's starting to feel cramped and therefor appreciates his space. Haha
I'm feeling better, still sick a lot at night, but I'm eating a lot more. Thank goodness I've only gained 10 lbs, pretty good for 6 months.
Things are going well, other than a little stress from school!
You still have 4 more months to go, I hope that Noah isn't feeling too squished yet. He is going to go SO MUCH BIGGER!