Daniel being the supportive husband he is! haha

I took this before I went crazy...
Oh my word... It's been madness! A true roller coaster!
So I had a doctors appointment at 8:50am Thursday the 29th. It was just supposed to be one of those 10 minute ones. In and out right? No. My blood Pressure was 168/111!!!! They took it 12 times, shuffled me from room to room, trying to get me to calm down (like that will work!) and get my pressure down. Then they ultrasounded Noah, and then monitored his heart rate and etc. for another half hour. Needless to day 10 minutes turned into a frazzled 7 hours. For 2 of those I was at home, but I had to come back.
When I came back and spent another 2 hours there with no progress they sent me right over to the hospital. Just like that! Daniel was at work, so after I got myself checked in laying in that bed half naked hooked up to all these machines I was finally able to get him to call me and he left work and made it to the hospital at about 6:30pm.
They were worried about pre-eclampsia, and so along with baby's heart rate they were watching my swelling, head aches, swelling and other symptoms. One was a 24 hour pee collection. To check for protein. They gave me a shot to develop Noah's lungs in case they need to deliver him asap.
So I was ordered to lay down (no sitting up) mostly on my left side, and only move if I need to pee. Needless to say that night I dozed for 20 minutes at a time, but mostly I counted tiles on the ceiling, and worried about what I was going to do if they wanted to deliver Noah next week! Probably not good for my BP, but when you are a along all night, awake, there's not much else you can do.
I was finally released today at about 5:30pm. Both hips bruised from the shot (there was 2 doses) and from not being able to sit up for 24 whole hours! But the urine test will come back probably tomorrow telling me if I have pre-eclampsia. But my doctor is sure it is just chronic hypertension. So I'm on BP meds, and strict orders to continue my bed rest. Because 24 wasn't enough to drive me NUTS! I know I got off easy, as some women have weeks of that. Poor dears.
So that's what's been going on in the last days... crazy crazy crazy. As from now Noah is healthy, just a little under weight :-( And I'm ok, just stir crazy and tired. I will be going to bed now for the next 14 hours! haha My house is a disgusting, embarrassing disaster, but It's just going to have to wait.
So glad this happened the weekend before FINALS WEEK! Doing finals from my bed should be interesting.... haha