So I've officially made it to the third trimester. It's crazy, because sometimes it seems like I've been pregnant forever, and in another way the time is flying by. Which the latter is a good thing because I'm kind of tired of being pregnant. Haha Daniel and I are both so excited for Noah to get here.
So it seems like I'm not growing! The doctor is obviously not worried about my belly being small. I've just got extra room in my long torso, apparently. It's funny, because I'm still mistaken for being about 5 months. Oh well. I guess I should just take this as a blessing!
Another good thing about being so far along now is that school is almost over! Well... this semester. And then I will just have one last one. Which Noah has conveniently decided that midterms was a perfect times to make his entrance into this world. Haha That's ok, lets just hope I have more understanding teachers next semester than I have this one!
I am so excited for you!! And yes, take it as a blessing- I was about 5x's the size you are haha! Feel very blessed that you don't get huge.