Last Monday my mom and kid brother Jason drove down from Marysville, WA to spend the week with Daniel and I. Jason got to hang out with Daniel, and my mom helped me clean and organize my house. We were able to get rid of so much and the trailer is so much nicer now.
When we first moved in to the trailer the water heater was busted and was spraying water all over under the house, soaking the insulation and making our trailer damp and moist... causing mold to grow. I was so sick with the pregnancy, and Daniel worked full time and was going to school full time too, we just couldn't get this nasty trailer decent. But then my mom got here and saved the day, so to speak... it was more like saved our lives!!
I now can spend my time like I'm supposed to be, with my feet up. I'm thinking I need to take on some more sewing projects because I've got a whole lot of nothing to do now that I have a spotless house and no more homework!! It's a little weird having nothing to procrastinate!!!
I am going to the doctors twice a week now to make sure that my blood pressure isn't affecting Noah. And so far they say it isn't. He's probably going to be a little small when he's born, but now that his lungs are developed they say that he's right on schedule and doing really good. It's really cool to see him on the ultrasounds so often now. We even got a picture of him sucking his thumb. It's hard to see because I took a picture of it with my phone from off my fridge.

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