2 weeks ago I graduated BYU-Idaho, and my sweet baby boy was there to see it!
He was also blessed by his daddy on July 22nd. He got to wear the very same outfit that his daddy wore on his blessing day. How very special it was.

Noah does some pretty cute things now. He is starting to coo a little. He also loves to chew on his hands. It seems like every chance he gets. He can't quite figure out how to get his fingers in there so he does his best to suck on the sides, making loud sucking and smacking sounds. He also loves to stand. The silly little kid wants to stand anytime you're holding him. Of course you have to balance him, because he can't do that yet. The other day he insisted on standing while Daniel fed him. It was so funny.

He also has the cutest little smile! And you normally can get him to smile if you get close to his face and give him a huge open mouth smile. He'll do the same thing.
When he was little he had gas and acid reflux, so he had a hard time sleeping flat on his back. So we used a boppy pillow to prop him up. Now he's doing so much better sleeping on his back! We are so proud of him, growing up!

We've had a very eventful summer. And with one month left before the fall we are looking forward to spending lots of time with our sweet baby boy.
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