Well as we were sitting there in the middle of the sacrament Noah decided this was the perfect time to start grunting. So picture this: A silent chapel full of people we don't quite know yet, and Noah starts pushing one out! He's grunting, and grunting, turns red, and straightens up like a board, and grunts AND.... FART! A big loud, long, juicy one! And then a SIGH! He couldn't have been more obvious! Or loud! haha
Well, Daniel and I have not been known for being able to be discreet when Noah does something funny... i.e. laughing when he starts crying in public! I know it's horrible, but sometimes he can be just so darn cute!
So, can you guess how Daniel and I reacted to Noah's show? We start to giggle! We tried to be quiet, but it got to the point I did that snorting thing in the middle of the prayer! I tried to pass it off as a cough, but that just got Daniel to start laughing more... haha So I had to scoop Noah and the diaper bag up as fast as I could and book it out of there.
The good thing is we made the Bishop laugh too!

Here is a picture of Noah lovin' his bath!
haha I love it!