Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Funny Story

So since we've moved, we're in a new ward at church. This ward is in a building with a really small chapel... So last Sunday we were running a little late (like always!) and the chapel was already full when we got there. So we had no choice but to sit in the very front, facing the bishop no less...

Well as we were sitting there in the middle of the sacrament Noah decided this was the perfect time to start grunting. So picture this: A silent chapel full of people we don't quite know yet, and Noah starts pushing one out! He's grunting, and grunting, turns red, and straightens up like a board, and grunts AND.... FART! A big loud, long, juicy one! And then a SIGH! He couldn't have been more obvious! Or loud! haha

Well, Daniel and I have not been known for being able to be discreet when Noah does something funny... i.e. laughing when he starts crying in public! I know it's horrible, but sometimes he can be just so darn cute!

So, can you guess how Daniel and I reacted to Noah's show? We start to giggle! We tried to be quiet, but it got to the point I did that snorting thing in the middle of the prayer! I tried to pass it off as a cough, but that just got Daniel to start laughing more... haha So I had to scoop Noah and the diaper bag up as fast as I could and book it out of there.

The good thing is we made the Bishop laugh too!

Here is a picture of Noah lovin' his bath!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

3 months

So much has happened in the last 3 months. Noah was so tiny when he was born, and now he's getting so big! At his 2 months appointment he was 10.44 lbs. He is now just over 13! He's getting so good at holding his head up, my mom and I went for a walk yesterday and he did so good in the back pack!

2 weeks ago I graduated BYU-Idaho, and my sweet baby boy was there to see it!

He was also blessed by his daddy on July 22nd. He got to wear the very same outfit that his daddy wore on his blessing day. How very special it was.

Noah does some pretty cute things now. He is starting to coo a little. He also loves to chew on his hands. It seems like every chance he gets. He can't quite figure out how to get his fingers in there so he does his best to suck on the sides, making loud sucking and smacking sounds. He also loves to stand. The silly little kid wants to stand anytime you're holding him. Of course you have to balance him, because he can't do that yet. The other day he insisted on standing while Daniel fed him. It was so funny.

He also has the cutest little smile! And you normally can get him to smile if you get close to his face and give him a huge open mouth smile. He'll do the same thing.

When he was little he had gas and acid reflux, so he had a hard time sleeping flat on his back. So we used a boppy pillow to prop him up. Now he's doing so much better sleeping on his back! We are so proud of him, growing up!

We've had a very eventful summer. And with one month left before the fall we are looking forward to spending lots of time with our sweet baby boy.