Tuesday, November 22, 2011

12 1/2 weeks and MOLD!

I can't believe I am ending my first trimester next week... FINALLY! Daniel and I have our fingers crossed that this will be the time when I start feeling better. I have heard so much from so many women, and I know everyone is different. I know that for some there is the 'magic week' that they just start feeling better, and for others it's gradual, and for even others it never lets up. I'm really hoping that it will be one of the first 2 for me (or just the first one). ;-)

So when we moved from Burley to Rexburg we moved into a trailer that we'd never seen before. This isn't always the best thing to do, as we've learned, but we had my cousin Dani and her soon-to-be husband Derek take a look at it for us. It was a good price and 3 bedrooms.

Moving was very hard. So when we got here and noticed that when you were in the bathroom and bedroom you could literally hear the water heater hiss. Daniel and I talked about it and assumed it was the gas. But I do remember on the of first day's being there when our landlord invited himself inside, I had asked him about the sound. He either didn't hear it or something because he said it was fine or normal or something. Well come to find out yesterday that was a HUGE leak causing major water problems in the trailer. All of the insulation under the house got soaked and our house was like a sauna. Our bedroom especially was wet and icky... and then the mold came.

As you can imagine the mold grew like crazy. We tried to figure out what was going on, tried to keep the place dry and clean of mold. When finally our Landlord called a plumber and they found the problem. This is not the kind of issue I ever want to deal with, especially pregnant! Now that the problem is being solved and we're cleaning up the rest of the mold the house is slowly drying out. I am so grateful that this is getting solved. Now all I have to do is feel better and finish unpacking! ugh

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